Chads thoughts

The view of the world from the eyes of a Full Time Primary family Caregiver, Broadcaster, and Freelance IT Guy.

You know the last couple of weeks were interesting. First, we had to leave our unit to allow the breaker box to be changed out. Then, we came home to a mess with two holes in my mother's bedroom wall and a miter saw in the bathroom. That does not include the hole that was placed in the ceiling so the electrician could go into the attic while patched still allowed me to put my fingers into cracks of the patch. All of that however was nothing compared to me trying my best at taking care of both little brothers. I call the mini-me and mini mini-me.

One would ask “What do you mean by that”. Now that's a good question. You see I didn't know the first thing about taking care of kids. One of my little brothers is 7 years, 10 months old so he was a little easier to handle to a point. All I had to do was try to make deals with him like “You can play on your phone before school if you eat this honey bun first”. Hell, it was even the first time I made sure my little brother had taken his meds. It was even the first time I dropped off anyone at school let alone my little brother. I thought it was cool that he even turned around long enough to wave bye as he was going in.

Now when I went back to my brother's and other mother's place I woke up my other little brother. Well not really but I would like to think I did though. I changed his diaper and fed him a honey bun. Now a couple of months beforehand, I didn't know how to change a baby's diaper or even know how they sleep. So I watched YouTube videos relating to those subjects and whatever else I may need to know about babies. I don't know how good of a job I did since I was scared that I would hurt him in some way.

With that being said I also asked a couple of questions relating to my sister (Well half-sister but you should know what mean) to find out what went wrong. It turns out that she might have been scared off due to my other mother's sister being a fucking ass. The sad part is the last time I saw her she was in a blue dress with white trim, black shoes, and pigtails. The last place I remember seeing her was in some room in a court building. I still remember the growth she had on her lip. It was some time before my mother found her on Facebook. It looked like she was happy so I left it at that. I got a friend request from her but at the time her name didn't look familiar so I deleted it. I have been regretting that decision ever since. Sadly it is what it is and all I can do is hope that's shes happy.

Well besides having a sister who wants nothing to do with me or the rest of the family for that matter I say it was a good couple of days or weeks depending on how one wants to look at it. I cooked food. I changed diapers. I got my little brother to school. I even did my best to get my little brother to understand that just because his little brother was getting a lot of attention doesn't mean he is loved less. I can only guess if he understands what I was trying to tell him.

If you are like me then you have always been told to call/write/talk to your representative be it at the local, state, or federal level. So if you're like me and see something questionable that involves questionable actions at the local, state, or federal level you start to ask questions at that level. When it comes to any kind of communication where I want either a paper trail or a digital trail I prefer Email. To be more specific I prefer Direct Email but in this day in age, you have to hunt and find Direct Email Addresses. That goes twice over when it's a politician who does not what to deal with the people he/she is representing on any level.

Now you may be asking yourself “That's nice and all but where are you going with this”.

Well how about I tell you the questions I first asked James Paul Lankford and Markwayne Mullin both being my so-called representatives in Oklahoma the following questions: (May 13, 2024, 6:10 PM)

  1. Why are you willing to make those who might have problems with getting a star or choose not to get a star on their driver's license a United States immigrant?
  2. Why are you willing to abandon the people of the United States in one form or another over a star?
  3. Why are you so willing to help illegal immigrants over the people of the United States?

Now mind you by looking at these questions and wonder how are they not specific.

I waited until May 26, 2024, 7:49 PM when I added and asked the following questions:

  1. Article I Section 8 Clause 1 states “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;” (From Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  2. Article I Section 8 Clause 5 states “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  3. Article I Section 8 Clause 12 states “To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  4. Article I Section 8 Clause 15 states “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  5. Article I Section 8 Clause 18 states “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  6. Tenth Amendment states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (From Why are you in violation of such an Amendment?
  7. Article I Section 10 Clause 3 states “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.” (from Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  8. Article IV Section 4 states “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.” (from Why are you in violation of such an Article?

along with the following questions.

  1. You formed The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on November 19, 2001, which is 69 days from when September 11th happened. Why did it take 69 days to form such an agency?
  2. Why did you wait until September 11th to happen before wanting to demand
  3. federal ID by the means of requiring a star on them?
  4. Did you forget about what happened on April 19, 1995?
  5. Did you forget what happened on November 7, 1983?
  6. Why not just take over the Department of Motor Vehicles and make it a federal agency due to your demands for a federal ID for all?

Again you have to look at these questions and wonder how are they not specific.

Well after not getting the questions answered I sent the following Email:

Subject: One last question To: Paula[email protected], Congressman Markwayne Mullin [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], OK[email protected], [email protected], Greg McCortney [email protected] Body: I asked the following questions:

primary questions (May 13, 2024, 6:10 PM)

  1. Why are you willing to make those who might have problems with getting a star or choose not to get a star on their driver's license a United States immigrant?
  2. Why are you willing to abandon the people of the United States in one form or another over a star?
  3. Why are you so willing to help illegal immigrants over the people of the United States?

secondary questions (May 26, 2024, 7:49 PM)

  1. Article I Section 8 Clause 1 states “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;” (From Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  2. Article I Section 8 Clause 5 states “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  3. Article I Section 8 Clause 12 states “To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  4. Article I Section 8 Clause 15 states “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  5. Article I Section 8 Clause 18 states “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.” Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  6. Tenth Amendment states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (From Why are you in violation of such an Amendment?
  7. Article I Section 10 Clause 3 states “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.” (from Why are you in violation of such a Clause?
  8. Article IV Section 4 states “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.” (from Why are you in violation of such an Article?

questions of opportunity (May 26, 2024, 7:49 PM)

  1. You formed The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on November 19, 2001, which is 69 days from when September 11th happened. Why did it take 69 days to form such an agency?
  2. Why did you wait until September 11th to happen before wanting to demand federal ID by the means of requiring a star on them?
  3. Did you forget about what happened on April 19, 1995?
  4. Did you forget what happened on November 7, 1983?
  5. Why not just take over the Department of Motor Vehicles and make it a federal agency due to your demands for a federal ID for all?

I still have not got them answered on the federal level. On the state level, I'm told they don't understand why they are not being answered. So how about I make some guesses?

Let's start with the primary questions and work our way down.

  1. You are showing me and others that you care more about the illegal immigrants coming in than the people of the United States and the people of the State of Oklahoma.
  2. You do this so you can stay in power like President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is trying to do in one form or another.
  3. You see that it is cheaper to help illegal immigrants than it is to help the people of the United States and the people of the State of Oklahoma.

Now let's to the secondary questions.

  1. You see the U.S. Constitution as part of the problem and see no reason to follow it in any meaningful way.
  2. You also don't see it as a violation of your oath of office.

Now lastly questions of opportunity

  1. You clearly don't want the people of the United States and the people of the State of Oklahoma to know why you were so quick at getting the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) together.
  2. You clearly forgot that before September 11th IDs were not a requirement to get on a plane. The only things that were required to get on a plane before September 11th was a name and a boarding pass.
  3. You clearly want to act like the events that happened at federal buildings before September 11th were minor compared to what happened on September 11th.
  4. You clearly don't want the job of running another state agency as a federal agency even though you are making them do federal IDs.

Now mind you as I said these are just my guesses and nothing more. After all, since I don't have a star on my driver's license I can't have a one-on-one with you. Even if I did have a star on my driver's license I still could not have a one-on-one with you due to my Caregiver Duties to my mother. With that being said that means you effectively made me and people like me a United States immigrant. I hope you are proud of yourself for that as that makes me not want to vote for you but then again independents can't really vote or take office in Oklahoma in one form or another. Maybe you should look into addressing that somehow.

So one last question if an independent voter like myself were allowed to vote for anyone regardless of party affiliation how would you help that voter if he/she asked for help from you? That question goes to both the State and the Federal level.

Thank you and have a lovely day

Chad Walter Cummings 409 N Wetumka St. APT A Wetumka Ok 74883 Google Phone: (405) 592-6343 Email: [email protected] Link Tree:

Now you may be wondering why I included the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). That's a good question to ask and the answer is easy it's a federal agency that funds Public Housing Authorities. That means that one day they might not let Public Housing Authorities house anyone who doesn't have a star on their driver's license or any ID for that matter. In the end, the federal level of government will find a way to get rid of the people it doesn't want and do it in a way that makes people not question them. When that happens it will be too late to fix any kind of problem be it natural or artificial.

Now let's get back to the Email above. I sent it Jun 18, 2024, 5:00 PM and didn't expect to hear anything back due to a lack of an answer from the other Emails before. To my amazement, I got a call from James Paul Lankford's office Jun 21, 2024, 3:41 PM. Now this is when I figured out that didn't read my Email through. For one they call my Cell number and not my Google Voice number in my Email Signature. Next, the woman on the other end of the phone wanted to know what specific questions I had on some immigration bill. As you can see the questions I asked had nothing to do with any particular immigration bill. The only question that could come close to anything about immigration was “Why are you so willing to help illegal immigrants over the people of the United States?”. On top of that, she proceeds to rattle off all sorts of Email addresses and mistitles Paula Corley's position. The woman on the other end of the phone states Paula Corley's position as CaseWorker but Paula Corley's Email Signature states Constituent Services Representative.

If that's how things run in Washington, D.C. then it would explain a lot when it comes to how the United States is running. More so since it seemed the woman on the other end of the phone who called me sounded like she had ten too many shots of espresso. At the end of the day, the questions I asked still didn't get answered and the call I got from James Paul Lankford's office only gave me more questions to ask. Like why ask a representative a question when they will just find a way to not answer in one form or another? What we need is someone who will find some time to talk to the people he/she represents instead of just talking to those who gave him/her money.

You know they say that blood is thicker than water, but that's not necessarily true. Now if you are like me you grew up with this quote drilled in your head as Family before anything else. However, that's not the true meaning of the quote. The full quote is “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. That translates to the bonds you make being more important than the Family you were born into. That would also explain why most people of the world say people will turn against you in the following order:

1) Family 2) Friends 3) The rest of the world

Now I'm not trying to say to treat your family like shit. I am trying to say that you should never expect them to treat you fairly. It seems that most families in today's world will use each other until they are not needed anymore. When that happens they will stop caring about that Family member. They will not even care if they hurt that Family member either. Most Families will not even see the pain they cause each other until it's too late.

I guess maybe that's another reason why the world is what it is. If it's not Politicians fighting for power over people then it's the Corporations fighting for power over people. If it's not Corporations fighting for power over people then it's Families fighting each other. If it's not Families fighting each other then it's people killing other people because they can. I could keep going, but I think I made my point clear. It's only going to be a matter of time before people see the damage they are causing, but by the time they see it will be too late. When it gets to that point all we can do is sit back and enjoy the ride because there will be no coming back from it.

You know there are days like yesterday that make me wonder if my fiancée is okay. You may be asking “why”. Well, that's because I haven't seen her in a long time. That might make you ask “why” again. Well, that's because I'm the Primary Family Caregiver to my mother. That means I can't just go out and do what I want because I'm always needed for something when relating to my mother. Yes, I love my mother, but I also love my fiancée. So, as you can see, being a Caregiver has its problems.

Now, you might be asking “Why don't you just call her”. Well, I'm glad you asked, and the answer is she's in a nursing home. Well, it's considered to be an Assisted living facility, but let's face it that's just a nicer way of calling it a nursing home. Now, I used to not have any problems walking into a nursing home, but that was until a nursing home shipped my Grandmother to a Hospital and did not even tell my mother or me about it until we came to pay them. That's when I started to not like nursing homes. That was also when I started to question all the things they told me when relating to the other patients in their care. So when my fiancée told me she was going to a nursing home it bring back a lot of shit and I would have to hope she did go through what my Grandmother did.

My fiancée ended up getting even worse than what my Grandmother went through. Now, my fiancée sees only the good in people and didn't understand why I hated nursing homes so much until the last time I talked to her. At first, she thought I was just an anti-nursing home person, and I guess I ended up that way only because of what a nursing home did to my Grandmother. She didn't know I was thinking of her safety until she started to see how a nursing home works herself. After she saw more and more of what a nursing home does to its patients she started to understand, but it was too late. I say it's too late because now they tell her that she can only leave if the doctor clears her to leave. They even told her that even if she did leave her Social Security checks would still go to them for some time and that my fiancée would need to prove that she can make it on her own with or without it. Hell, she couldn't even check herself out to go to Walmart, and she was the one who signed herself up for the nursing home.

At the end of the day, I just have to hope she is still here. That goes the same for her brother and mother.

You know there are times that I get reminded that the Government be it Local, State, or Federal is not for the people like it's supposed to be. Now let's go over the latest reminder I got today. That being that the Social Security Administration (SSA) demands funds be sent back to them. What is worse is the funds they sent they knew they should not have sent them but sent them anyway. They even stated that they MAY WANT it back and not that they WILL WANT it back. That means that they did not even know if they wanted it back or not. On top of that, they waited 1 month and 15 days then asked if we forgot to pay them back. Now at the start, I thought it was 2 months and 15 days but later saw that I was off by a month.

Now this shows that SSA has no problem committing fraud than targeting the victim in some way. In this case, the victim is a recipient of SSA benefits. They then state it is the recipient's problem that they were sent the funds from the SSA. Mind you SSA claims to be an Independent Federal Agency and yet they are still under the United States Department of Health and Human Services in some way. Another fun fact is that the SSA Funds are part of the General Funds of the Federal Government even though that is not how it started. I could keep going when it comes to fun facts relating to the SSA but I think I will let you do your research on how it started and how it ended up. This includes why they will not talk to the person that the issues are related to until you snap them into reality in one form or another and yet they still will not accept they are the ones that caused the problem, not the SSA recipient. I guess at the end of the day we should just call all Local, State, or Federal Agencies and Officials Master as that is what they all want to be called on some level.

You know that as a caregiver for my mother, I catch a lot of flack. On that same note, my mother catches a lot of flack for needing me to be her caregiver. That includes me dealing with the City of Wetumka and the City of Oklahoma City. It makes someone like me wonder how would someone like Mayor David Holt or better yet Mayor Norma Marshall do as a Caregiver in my place. If I had to make a guess they would not last 24 hours considering all I have to use to keep most of what I do straight. That means they would most likely nuke my k3s cluster for one. That wound in turn kill Home Assistant which I use as her alarm clock to change the channel on my Roku TV. That would also kill Grocy (which I need to play catch up on) which helps me keep track of what stuff we have in the house like food and kitchen supplies. That would also kill Tandoor which is a fill-in-as-you-go cookbook-like software. That would also kill Fireflyiii which is budgeting software I just started using to keep track of the money I can see in both my and my mother's bank accounts. Last but not least it would also kill Joplin which is note-taking and syncing software.

Now mind you that is just the software I use to stuff straight being My Mother's Caregiver. Oh wait I forgot that I also use Home Assistant for appointment reminders so yeah that would die too. I mean the City of Wetumka is charging the people of Wetumka $22 a month for two trash cans when they didn't even give them two trash cans to begin with. The City of Wetumka is charging one of the employees of the Wetumka Housing Authority $700+ a month for what I'm going to guess for both Electric and Water. I would also have to guess that out of that $700+ bill most of it is for Electric since that is where most of the money comes in for the City of Wetumka. The funny part of all of this is that when we moved here about 15 years ago it seemed nicer. You know like the people somewhat cared for each other in some way. That doesn't seem to be the case now though as it stopped being that way when James Jackson was Mayor. Now it seems to be more of a “if you are not in our circle then we don't know you” kind of place.

The City of Wetumka fails to understand that having such a mindset is the reason why they are having problems with getting business into Wetumka Oklahoma. They also fail to understand that their actions against the people of Wetumka make them want to leave and never come back. That in turn makes businesses not want to do business in Wetumka Oklahoma. After all, businesses will look at the data that is important to them and that includes how many people move in and out of an area they are looking at. Businesses will also look at the data that relates to cost as in the cost of doing business in the area they are looking at. If businesses don't like the looks of the data then they will not do business in that area. This is not restricted to just the City level either.

I think I made my point clear. Just in case I didn't my point it's if you treat people like shit then they will leave or go against you in some way. They will show others why they left or went against you. They will show others how bad of a place is and who made it that way. They might even advocate what needs to change before letting up on how bad a place or person is. In most cases, places get abandoned or people die before such changes happen. So you don't want it to get that bad because if it does it will be too late.

I find it funny how the City of Wetumka wants to change the form of government in Wetumka. It makes me wonder how it got the form of government it has now. Either way, I can see why they want to change it to something that will give the local government more power even if they say there are safeguards in place. That is however a lie since the Council-Manager has at least one safeguard where as the Statutory Town seems to have none. It's also funny how the people of Wetumka are finely starting to see the problems of the City of Wetumka but it's too late now to fix them right now.

Now I bet some are wondering what I mean by “Statutory Town seems to have none”. 2022 Oklahoma Statutes Title 11. Cities and Towns §11-12-101. Statutory town board of trustees form of government. (Universal Citation: 11 OK Stat § 12-101 (2022)) states the following:

The form of government provided by Sections 12-101 through 12-114 of this title shall be known as the statutory town board of trustees form of government. Towns governed under the statutory town board of trustees form shall have all the powers, functions, rights, privileges, franchises and immunities granted, or which may be granted, to towns. Such powers shall be exercised as provided by law applicable to towns under the town board of trustees form, or if the manner is not thus prescribed, then in such manner as the board of trustees may prescribe.

Now that means they have a say over everything relating to the City of Wetumka with no oversight or any checks and balances. 2022 Oklahoma Statutes Title 11. Cities and Towns §11-12-106. Powers vested in board of trustees – Designated powers. (Universal Citation: 11 OK Stat § 12-106 (2022)) states the following:

All powers of a statutory town board of trustees town, including the determination of matters of policy, shall be vested in the board of trustees. Without limitation of the foregoing, the board may: 1. Appoint and remove, and confirm appointments of, designated town officers and employees as provided by law or ordinance; 2. Enact municipal legislation subject to limitations as may now or hereafter be imposed by the Oklahoma Constitution and law; 3. Raise revenue, establish rates for services and taxes, make appropriations, regulate salaries and wages and all other fiscal affairs of the town, subject to limitations as may now or hereafter be imposed by the Oklahoma Constitution and law; 4. Inspect the books and accounts maintained by the town treasurer; 5. Inquire into the conduct of any office, department or agency of the town, and investigate municipal affairs, or authorize and provide for such inquiries; 6. Create, change and abolish offices, departments or agencies, other than those established by law; assign additional functions and duties to offices, departments and agencies established by this article; and define the duties, powers and privileges of all officers which are not defined by this article; and 7. Grant pardons for violation of municipal ordinances, including the remission of fines and costs.

This proves they can drain the people of their money as fast or as slow as they want. This also proves they can hire and fire whoever they want or better yet do away with or create whatever they want. We all know that will not Grant pardons for violation because the city is broke for that. let's keep moving right along with 2022 Oklahoma Statutes Title 11. Cities and Towns §11-12-112. Departments and agencies – Merger or consolidation of town offices. (Universal Citation: 11 OK Stat § 12-112 (2022)) which states the following:

In the town board of trustees form of government, there shall be such administrative departments, officers, and agencies as the board may establish. The board may combine, merge, or consolidate by ordinance any of the various offices of town government as it deems necessary and convenient for the administration of the affairs or government of the town. Any consolidation of elected town offices shall go into effect at the end of the term of office of those officers whose offices are consolidated or when a vacancy occurs in one of the offices to be consolidated. An ordinance consolidating offices must be enacted at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the next municipal primary election.

Sounds to me like they can change things around if they want to about every 30 days. Hell, I thought maybe it would say something about how much the local Statutory Town government would get paid but in 2022 Oklahoma Statutes Title 11. Cities and Towns §11-12-113. Compensation of town elective officers. (Universal Citation: 11 OK Stat § 12-113 (2022)) only states the following:

The compensation of all elective town officers shall be fixed by ordinance.

This makes someone like me wonder how much everyone working in the City of Wetumka is getting paid and how much are they really saving going from Council-Manager to Statutory Town. Either way, they must see the people of Wetumka are not happy since the current Mayor is now posting about wanting the people of Wetumka to come to the City Council meetings. I say that is a bit too late and I have been living in Wetumka for going on 15 years now. I guess it's better late than never but then again I'm not in anyone's circle in Wetumka. Anyway, let's move on to 2022 Oklahoma Statutes Title 11. Cities and Towns §11-12-114. Appointments and removals. (Universal Citation: 11 OK Stat § 12-114 (2022)) which states the following:

Appointments and promotions in the service of a statutory town board of trustees government shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness; and removals, demotions, suspensions, and layoffs shall be made solely for the good of the service. The board by ordinance may establish a merit system and provide for its organization and functioning, and provide for personnel administration and regulation of personnel matters. The board of trustees may remove for cause any appointive officer by a majority vote of all its members.

Now I understand that these are 2022 Oklahoma Statutes and not 2024 Oklahoma Statutes but one has to wonder is the Government really for the People anymore? If it is then why doesn't it feel that way? Why does it feel like the Government or better yet the people who want to be in Government have to be so corrupt? I guess that's why All Government Officials don't really want to know who they represent as such actions are beneath them.

You know that are times when I will wonder how the hell I'm still alive. I mean it, I have no clue how the hell I'm making it right now. After all, when I started to be my mother's Caregiver I thought I would get some help either with a little money or maybe at least a team of nurses. In Oklahoma however, if you want help you need to be a woman and in this day in age, you need to not be white. It sounds shitty but it's true. Even to get Meals on Wheels you have to sign up for something that will cause the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) to send a nurse to tally up points to see if you score high enough for Meals on Wheels. Now I wonder how many other people are having the same problems when it comes to the OKDHS. After all, I was thinking that it would be good to have just in case we ran low on funds it would give her something to eat for that day a least.

Now when it comes to the Social Security Administration (SSA) at least when it comes to Oklahoma it's the same shit. They tell you that you didn't score enough points for you to get help from them. How my mother had to get the SSA to recognize disability was to go through an advocacy group in Utah. Yes, you read that right my mother had to go through an out-of-state group just to get Supplemental Security Income (SSI). That means the federal and state governments view people as game pieces and if you don't score high enough for them then you are nothing to them on any level. My mother deserves more for all the work she put in. The Government on the other hand tells her that she isn't worth shit and to shut up. That's why there are kids like me who try to be Caregivers to their parents. That's why there are kids like me who try to keep their parents out of nursing homes because some of us know what truly happens in nursing homes.

Now Oklahoma thinks a tax break will help Caregivers but it has a catch like everything else when relating to Oklahoma. One you need to be certified in Caregiving which can understand why that needs to be in the law. After all, I had looked into certifications when it comes to Caregivers but the problem I have is not having the funds for the prerequisites. Now the other problem is that since Covid-19 hit the world I lost the only work I had. Going from getting work to no work kinda kills a lot of things when it comes to being a Caregiver. I hoped that by doing a GiveSendGo campaign I could get a new truck and use it to do Walmart Spark or maybe DoorDash but no luck on that front. I guess all I can do is just do all I can and hope it's good enough.

Well, this month I thought it would be like it has been every year. Why is that you ask? Well, that's because my birthday is this month. It was the 13th of this month to be exact. You would think I love my birthday and there was a time when I did. That time had passed when I ended up burying two people on my birthday. It doesn't matter that it was ten years apart. What makes it shitty this year was losing my father this month even though I wasn't all that close to him it still sucks to some degree.

However, what made this month suck less was getting a video from my other mother. Normally getting a video from family doesn't affect me all that much. This one was different. It was a video of my brother singing “Happy Birthday” to me. I don't know if it was because he was singing to me or if he was doing it from a hospital room where my newest brother is dealing with Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Either way, it hit me hard for some reason. It was nice though I just wish I could download it and put it in the Time Capsule that started when other mother wanted things for a Time Capsule. Maybe one day he'll see how nice it was but I think for now he needs to just be a kid because if not he might end up just like me. That is something none of us want.

Anyway, it's time to try to stay warm especially when it comes to this lovely Oklahoma Weather.

Well, I have been trying to import a MariaDB SQL dump file for about three months now and I think it's time to just call it and start over. You see I had problems with MariaDB one day after a power failure and it would either work or not. Later that day I redeployed it and it pulled the latest image and that's when it just died. Mind you I'm still new to Kubernetes and set up my cluster with k3s due to not having all that many resources when it comes to donated Computers. That means I will need to start fresh with my Friendca node since that is what MariaDB was being used for. It sucks to start over but sometimes there is no way around it.

Now let's move on to what I have dealt with when it comes to asking for any kind of help when relating to MariaDB or more specifically. Let's go with the fact I was first told to run a set of commands and it would just fix the issues I was having. The funny thing is that was not true. It did nothing to address the problems I was facing and I was not the only one facing them either. So I did some more digging and noted something odd. What I noted was the fact there was a permissions problem somewhere that was not there before. That means that either k3s changed them due to how the image was put together or the image failed to change the permissions to what it needed to be. So I look into how to export and import a database. My problem of not having many resources has made importing an almost 60-gigabyte file harder than it needs to be.

Now a good thing about all of this is that I have learned what to do and what not to do when it comes to k3s and Docker images. Anyway don't have too much fun or at least try not to.